Hendrick's Gin 700ml


Hendrick's Gin 700ml

Regular price $80.00

Hendrick's Gin is a premium Scottish gin that stands out for its unique flavor profile and distinctive bottle design. Created by William Grant & Sons Ltd., Hendrick's Gin was first introduced in 1999 and has since gained a reputation for its unconventional approach to gin production. It is distilled in small batches using a combination of traditional and unconventional botanicals, including juniper, coriander, citrus peel, angelica root, orris root, and a peculiar addition of cucumber and Bulgarian rose petals. This infusion of cucumber and rose gives Hendrick's Gin its distinctively refreshing and floral character. The gin is known for its smoothness and balance, making it a popular choice for both classic and contemporary cocktails. Hendrick's Gin has been widely celebrated for its unique flavor profile, exquisite craftsmanship, and its contribution to the renaissance of gin as a sophisticated and versatile spirit.

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  • Brand Name: Hendrick's
  • Vintage:
  • Region: Scotland
  • Type: Gin
  • Capacity: 700 mL
  • Alcohol Volume:41.4%
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