Buy and Sell Policy

  1. How are prices determined for consigned products?
    All prices listed on the website are the listing prices. The consignor's receiving prices are calculated based on the rates provided by CG Liquor. CG Liquor will not alter the listing prices unless requested or agreed to by the consignor.
  2. What happens if the consignor requests a price drop for their product?
    If the consignor requests a price drop for their product, the commission fee will be calculated according to the agreed rates and fees based on the sold price. The consignor will have a limited three times to change the price of the goods before additional costs apply. We recommend avoiding changing the price of the goods to prevent confusion.
  3. When will the consignor receive payment for their sold item?
    Payment to the consignor will be made 7 days after the item has been sold and delivered. Notification will be sent once payment is processed. Please allow 24 hours for payments to reflect in the nominated bank account. The consignor must provide their bank account details when signing the Consignment Contract. CG Liquor is not liable for lost funds if the consignor has provided incorrect account details.
  4. Does CG Liquor buy items directly from sellers?
    We only offer a buy-off service for selective items at our discretion. Please contact customer support for more details.
  5. What should be included in the photos and description of the item
    The photos should include all sides of the bottle, all sides of the box (if applicable), close-ups of the front and back labels, close-ups of the waterline and seal, and any other aspects that might affect the value of the product. The photos should be taken in a well-lit area, with minimal clutter in the surroundings. When writing the description, include the brand, item name, category, year of purchase, conditions of purchase, how the item was stored, storage temperature, any factors that may affect the value of the product, and expected price range (excluding the 10% consignment charge).
  6. Who is responsible for covering the shipping costs?
    For domestic shipments, CG Liquor will cover the standard shipping costs. For international deliveries, shipping costs will vary by location. The consignor is responsible for covering the shipping costs to us. We highly recommend that the consignor opts for insurance coverage for the shipment, which can be arranged upon request to ensure the safe delivery of the item.
  7. How long does the consignor need to keep the item with CG Liquor
    We kindly request that the consignor keeps the item with us for a minimum of 8 weeks. Early termination of the agreement will result in the full consignment commission charge being incurred. At the conclusion of the 8-week consignment period, any unsold items may be collected by the consignor at no additional charge.
  8. Is CG Liquor affiliated with any brands?
    CG Liquor acts as a platform for liquor enthusiasts to consign and exchange their products with a value. We do not claim to be affiliated with any brands nor endorse any products. We will have all items checked before listing on our website, however, we do not hold responsibility for the products consigned by us. Consignors agree to assume all risks and liabilities associated with their consigned products.
  9. What is the consignment fee for?
    The consignment fee is a service fee charged by CG Liquor for the use of our platform. We do not guarantee the sale of any consigned products and reserve the right to reject or remove any items that do not meet our standards or violate
  10. Will I be charged GST on my consignment products?
    Yes, all consignment products are GST exclusive unless advised on the site. In addition, there is a 10% GST charge on the consignment fee.