Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We hold our customers' privacy in high regard at CG Liquor online store and are dedicated to safeguarding your personal information. This privacy policy explains what information we collect from you, how we use it, and the measures we take to ensure your information remains secure.

By utilizing this website, you have accepted CG Liquor online's privacy policy. We reserve the right to alter or delete parts of the policy at any time and will update this page accordingly, so we advise you to periodically review it. If you have any comments regarding our policy, please feel free to contact us at

CG Liquor online adheres to the National Privacy Principles stated in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and is committed to safeguarding the privacy of the personal information collected from visitors to our site.

What information do we collect?

At the time you make a purchase on our website, we gather personal information from you, including your name, email address, shipping address, and payment details. Additionally, we monitor your browsing activities on our website, such as the products you look at and the pages you visit.

On occasion, we may collaborate with business partners and sponsors who may have access to your personal information. In such instances, we encourage you to read the privacy policy of our business partner or sponsor.

Please note that we are not accountable for the actions or content of third-party websites that are linked to our site. These links are provided for convenience only, and if you navigate to a third-party site via such a link, we suggest that you review their privacy policy. CG Liquor online does not endorse, approve, or sponsor the content, policies, or practices of those sites.

How do we use your information?

The data we obtain from you serves several purposes, including processing your order, keeping you informed about your order, and enhancing your shopping experience. Additionally, we may personalize promotional offers and marketing communications utilizing your information.

Any personal information provided to us by visitors to our site will be used solely for the intended purpose, unless otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy or at the time the information is obtained.

We take the security of your personal information seriously and have implemented measures to protect it. We use a secure server to transmit your personal information, and we have physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in place to protect against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Do we share your information with third parties?

We do not trade or distribute your personal information to third parties for their marketing campaigns. However, we may collaborate with service providers, such as payment processors and shipping providers, to execute your order.

Occasionally, CG Liquor online may hire third parties to manage site-related activities, including but not limited to promotions and statistical analysis. These parties may have access to the personal information submitted by visitors who participate in those activities. Similarly, we may hire third parties to handle requests for information submitted to our site, such as newsletters. In most cases, we will instruct these third parties to use the personal information solely for the specific purpose for which it was collected.

Your choices

As a registered user, you can view and modify the personal information we hold about you in your account. If any of this information is incorrect, you have the option to correct it.

In the event that you provided us with your personal information and subsequently decide that you no longer wish to receive communication from us, you may use the "unsubscribe" directions at the conclusion of any email communication we send you. It is within your rights to opt-out of marketing communications, and you can do so by clicking the "unsubscribe" link in any marketing email we send you. You may also adjust your communication preferences by updating your account settings.

Data security 

We reserve the right to collect specific non-personal information, which may assist in optimizing our website for your computer. This information may include details such as your Internet browser identity, IP address, operating system type, and your Internet service provider's domain name. We may use this non-personal information for internal purposes, such as enhancing our site's performance.

CG Liquor online may utilize personal information in an aggregated form to enhance our website. This may include compiling statistics and analyzing data. We may also provide such information to others in summary form for marketing, advertising, or research purposes. For example, we may disclose that a particular number of visitors accessed our site on a given day, with a specific number of clicks on an advertiser's banner advertisement.

At CG Liquor online, we are committed to ensuring the security and integrity of your personal information. However, please note that no data transmission over the Internet is entirely secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of any information you send to us or from our online products and services. If you transmit your credit card details, rest assured that we use industry-standard encryption.


Cookies are small data files that are stored on a user's device by a website. CG Liquor Online utilizes standard Cookies, which allow us to monitor patterns of usage on our website. This data is typically used to generate statistics and improve the overall content of our site, as well as to target advertising more effectively. While most web browsers provide the option to decline or accept Cookies, please note that they may be required to place orders.

This privacy policy outlines how CG Liquor Online uses and safeguards any information you provide when using our website. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will only use your personal information in accordance with this statement. CG Liquor Online reserves the right to modify this policy as needed, and we recommend checking this page periodically to stay informed of any changes.